
April 21st from 4 to 6 pm

Within our 2 hours of time together, we will explore the beautiful, harmonious, and ancient combination of two potent medicines: Honey & Vinegar.

We will drop into our body with gentle guided meditation, explore spaces of folklore & mythos, and expand understanding of some of the ancient roots of this medicine; easy to make, & even easier to drink.

We will deepen our relations to the plant kin by inviting them in and learning how they weave well into our oxymel spells, letting you intuitively choose which blend of herbs feels just right for you.

Expect magical plant meditation, stories of medicine keepers long ago, plant muse songs of the heart, mental exploration, and integrated hands on cocreating.

Leave with 8oz of oxymel medicine to strain in your own time, a pamphlet of educational resources & recipes to expand your interest, and skills to empower you to take the journey of medicine making into your own hands.

A Bio from the teacher:

Welcome dear one,

My name is Mahogany Autumn, and I am a Mother, Herbalist, Medicinals Creatrix, Educator, Earth Tender & the Unnameable. I live amidst the bio diverse beauty of the Siskiyou Mountains in Southern Oregon, where I was born & raised. I hold in person offerings within Jackson & Josephine counties, as well as virtual containers to harmonize with our innate vitality. I specialize in gut imbalances, womens womb wellness, & nourishing the mamababy continuum

I studied formally at vital ways institute in Portland Oregon, where I achieved certification as a holistic herbalist, showing my commitment and over 400 hrs of study, application, experimentation, and integration. I’ve continued my education through studying at the American College of Healthcare Sciences, and am now further expanding my skills by beginning LMT training with an emphasis on nourishing the motherbaby realm.

As a mother, my focus for the last few years has shifted to harmonizing herbalism with motherhood, with emphasis on caring for the mother as the core root of caring for the children. Through this deep nourishing of the mothers, we can see deeply nourished and thriving children spring forth from her lifeblood. I continue to bow in reverence for all walking this path alongside me, and am grateful to share the knowledge I carry handed to me from my mentors and elders, to my community to aid us in reclaiming the sacred arts of sovereign medicine making.