Golden Milk Elixir Tube
Anam CaraAnam Cara Healing Arts presents - Turmeric and spices come together for a classic take on golden milk. Golden milk is has many health benefits including antioxidant protection, anti-inflammatory properties, immune boosting, aiding in digestion, and lowering blood sugar. Add 2 teaspoons in a favorite mug to hot water and sweetener if desired. Top with iced or steamed milk! Feel the sun shining from the inside out.
Anam Cara means “soul friend” in Gaelic. The term encapsulates the idea of soul-love. It is an ancient and eternal art of belonging- an “experience that illuminates the mystery and kindness of the divine.” (John O’Donohue)
PROPRIETARY BLEND of all organic herbs in powder form
Turmeric, Ashwagandha, Mucuna, Ginger, Cinnamon and Black Pepper.