
April 28th fro 3 to 5 pm

This will be an entry level workshop to introduce those who are new to the tarot or already have been working with the tarot and may need to *reconnect” with the tarot.
I will discuss how to choose a deck, and the meaning of the Major Arcana archetypes (Fool (0) - The World (21) and the journey of the Minor Arcana (Wands, Cups, Swords,and Pentacles).
We will explore how the tarot arcanum (meaning inner secrets) can reveal our strengths and weakness to create a path towards personal growth and self empowerment by our own (healthy) terms.

This will be a hands on workshop and I will provide a handout for those in attendance.

 Over 15 yrs. of age + Adults are welcome to join.
1) tarot deck that you connect with (either new or one that you have been working with for more than a month)
2) Notebook (don’t forget pen/pencil)
3) Open to work in a group environment (depending on class size, the class may break off into "one to one” groups to learn how to read for someone else.
4) Very Important.. ASK QUESTIONS!  :)
And come with an open heart AND mind to explore our “True Self”.  I will discuss the concept of the “true Self” during class.

Bio:  I am a visual artist and empath who is now dedicating time to the Tarot and my spiritual practice. I have over fifteen years of experience studying and reading the Tarot. In that time, I have explored different facets of spiritual practices and beliefs from eastern philosophy (Hindu, Buddhist, Taoism), Esotericism, Jungian Theory, Occult systems, and Witchcraft. These influences have all shaped my perspective on how I view the inner and outer realms.

Tarot and oracle decks share a different energy and purpose for many readers and I’m grateful to have this experience to share with others.
It continues to be a wonderful journey in understanding and developing personal insight into our conscious and subconscious, thoughts and actions.