
September 23rd from 11 am to 1 pm

Caring for Postpartum Mothers is a lost art in our culture. As a woman, giving birth is the greatest physical, emotional, mental, spiritual journey we will likely ever experience. And yet more often than not, Mothers receive little, inappropriate or no postpartum care. This lack of care is the cause of all the postpartum syndromes and pathologies that have become so common and thus

As seen in the commonalities of traditional postpartum practices worldwide, there was/is a recognition that the quality of a woman’s postpartum care in the first ~40 days effects her overall health for years to come. When properly cared for a mother’s health has the opportunity to be exalted. When she receives inadequate care, when she is not given the safety to heal and integrate, she crosses the threshold into motherhood without the strength and resilience she will continue to

Empower yourself to have a nourishing and supportive postpartum experience by learning the foundations of postpartum care as dictated by our physiology and cross-cultural traditions.

Class price includes a spot for you and your partner and you will leave with a resource list to be properly equipped for your fourth trimester.

A bio from the teacher: 

My name is Adderly Bigelow.  I am a Mother to two young boys, an INNATE Postpartum Care Provider and a Wise Womb Somatic Therapist.

I offer in-home postpartum care that includes bodywork, emotional support and more. I have an in-office healing practice to serve womb carriers at all stages of life to address menstrual & fertility related symptoms and recover at any stage postpartum through hands-on uterine massage, awareness practices and breath based movement.

In all my offerings, my motivation is a prayer for our remembrance of what lives in our bones, in our blood, is our birth-right to know and experience.  

Connect and learn more about my offerings at www.innerlandscapeswombcare.com